Installation Instructions

Due to having to run the contained DLL (explained later), this package is no longer available on PyPI. You must instead download the source code to install this library.

Downloading parallel64

You can install parallel64 using either git or by downloading the source code from Github.

Using git:

git clone

Using Github:

  • Click the green button that says “Code”

  • In the “HTTPS” option, select Download ZIP

  • Extract the contents of the ZIP file

Installing parallel64

You can use pip to install the package! Make sure you are in the folder containing the source code (either the git repository or the extracted folder), and install the package:

pip install .

Setting up the DLL

On most modern versions of Windows, the DLL must be used once with Adminstrator priveleges in order to function properly. You can do so by running InpOutBinaries_1501/Win32/InstallDriver.exe in the source code folder. This will prompt you to use administrator priveleges.


You only need to do this step once! After that, you’re good to go!

Determining the port address

You can see your parallel ports hardware addresses using the Device Manager. Open the Device Manager (you can type “Device Manager in the start menu”), and locate your parallel port in the “Ports (COM & LPT)”. Right click your port and select “Properties”, then select the “Resources” tab.

You may see 0ne or more hardware resources assigned for your port, depending on it’s capabilities, for the SPP and/or ECP base addresses. These numeric values are what you will use when instancing the ports in Python!